Resources & Policies

Coaches & Administration

Provided by RugbyWA to all members for free, email Aaron Lee for details.

To book field space, many organizations require a Certificate of Insurance (COI), which USA Rugby can provide to clubs. For more information and to apply for a COI, visit

Videos Tutorials

Parents & Players

Provided by RugbyWA to all members for free, email Aaron Lee for details.

You can learn some of the basics here.
Who can play rugby?
Anyone and everyone! Rugby prides itself in being a sport for all. Rugby WA supports a number of age ranges including U8, U10, U12, U14, and High School. U8, U10, and U12 are typically co-ed while U14 and High School split boys and girls. There are a few clubs that have co-ed U14 teams while they grow their girls programs.
How do I know which team I should register for?
Each club has their home field based in a specific area, however clubs can have players from neighboring regions. We have clubs in Bellingham, Bellevue/Redmond, Seattle, Federal Way, Renton, Tacoma, Olympia, Auburn, and Kent. Check out our Club Page to learn more.
When is rugby season?
Our main season is the Spring, however, we have different rugby programs throughout the year. Reach out to your local club to see if they are running practices or camps!
What do we need to play rugby?
Cleats, mouth guard, and an eagerness to learn! Teams will provide all equipment for practices and game day attire.
How do I register my player?
Registration is run through the Rugby Xplorer system. You will need to create an account where you will be able to register under your team and make payments. For more detailed instructions, Click Here.